I hereby give my permission for my child/children as participant(s) in Vacation Bible School (hereafter VBS) at Calvary Chapel Redeeming Grace (hereafter referred to as CCRG), to be recorded in any format i.e. audio, and/or visual recordings and or photographs taken by CCRG and their representatives. I expressly agree to allow the use of said audio and or visual recordings and or photographs to be shown or published in CCRG events and collateral materials including and not limited to postcards, newsletters, ads/articles, press releases, CCRG website and social media or other electronic CCRG communications. Our promise is to not publish any pictures or release video with names attached without your written consent.
I expressly release and discharge CCRG from any and all liability that may arise from the use of said audio and or video recordings or photographs in this manner. Accordingly, by my signature below, I expressly waive any and all privacy rights which would otherwise have been accorded to the audio and or video recordings and photographs under the laws of Texas.
In the event of sickness or some medical emergency, I request that my child/children receive any medical attention or treatment deemed necessary, therefore I give my permission to any hospital, doctor, and/or healthcare provider to transport, treat and/or admit my child for care. I understand that I am responsible for all expenses and charges for the treatment and care of my child. In the event that I am not present at the time of the emergency or cannot be contacted, my care has been entrusted to the staff and designated ministry leadership of Calvary Chapel Redeeming Grace, Horizon City, Texas.